Reach Out to Us

Looking for top-tier talent? Our Cosmic Crew is ready to support your business with expertise in
development, design, DevOps, accounting, and IT. Reach out to us and let’s achieve great things together.

    Stellar success stories

    Explore how our global talent solutions have propelled businesses forward with seamless
    hiring experiences and top-tier placements.

    Jane Smith

    DOP - XYZ

    We’ve always wanted to hire globally but struggled to find great candidates. That all changed when we started working with the Epic Talent team.

    Jane Smith

    DOP - XYZ

    We’ve always wanted to hire globally but struggled to find great candidates. That all changed when we started working with the Epic Talent team.

    Jane Smith

    DOP - XYZ

    We’ve always wanted to hire globally but struggled to find great candidates. That all changed when we started working with the Epic Talent team.

    Jane Smith

    DOP - XYZ

    We’ve always wanted to hire globally but struggled to find great candidates. That all changed when we started working with the Epic Talent team.

    Jane Smith

    DOP - XYZ

    We’ve always wanted to hire globally but struggled to find great candidates. That all changed when we started working with the Epic Talent team.

    Jane Smith

    DOP - XYZ

    We’ve always wanted to hire globally but struggled to find great candidates. That all changed when we started working with the Epic Talent team.

    Jane Smith

    DOP - XYZ

    We’ve always wanted to hire globally but struggled to find great candidates. That all changed when we started working with the Epic Talent team.

    Frequently asked

    Once you’ve selected the perfect candidate, a single, straightforward fee is all you’ll pay. Our process is transparent, with no hidden costs or ongoing charges, making recruitment seamless and hassle-free.
    The average time to hire on Near is 21 days. Companies have hired excellent candidates in as little as one week. You should expect to see strong candidates within 5 days of submitting your job. Our team will adjust to your hiring process and will provide feedback to improve the interview process as we go.
    The average time to hire on Near is 21 days. Companies have hired excellent candidates in as little as one week. You should expect to see strong candidates within 5 days of submitting your job. Our team will adjust to your hiring process and will provide feedback to improve the interview process as we go.
    0% Complete

      What skills would you like to see in your new team?

      Select the desired areas of expertise

      Popular skills for Developer:

      Popular skills for Designer:

      Popular skills for Sales:

      Popular skills for Social Media Marketer:

      Popular skills for Data Entry Specialist:

      How many team members do you require?

      We have 25+ engineers matching your criteria!

      One engineer

      A small team

      A large team

      I am not sure

      When do you need the developer to start?

      Decide when you will start your project together!


      In 1 to 2 weeks

      >2 weeks from now

      I am not sure

      Please sign up so we can connect you with the right
      developer(s) from
      our network.

      By completing signup, you are agreeing to Remotebase’s Terms of Service, Privacy
      Policy, Sourced Talent
      Matching Agreement, and Cookie Policy.

      Thank you for reaching out to us!

      We’ll send you an email once we’ve evaluated your request!We’ll send you an email once we’ve
      evaluated your request!

      How did you discover our company?